As previously mentioned, the next series of blog posts here will be transcribed, more or less, from the journal I kept of my trip to Guatemala, accompanied by photos I took. I will entitle these posts simply with the date of their respective journal entries.
-- @ Frank & Joe The Coffee Show (a.k.a. JP's Java) in Austin, TX
Here I am again, completely unprepared for a trip I know nothing about. I intend for this to be a journal of my trip to Guatemala with Christian Medical Missions, a way to catalogue my experiences not only for posterity or nostalgia, but for use in future essays, applications or interviews. My life is sure to be full of those for the next... decade? - I don't even want to think about it.
I've been coming to this cafe more lately than ever, mostly due to Jerome's dislike of Spider House Cafe (or rather his inability to visit that establishment due to a fib told to a former client), but I've gained a fondness for the place, despite its strange mix of austerity and warmth, and walls hung with terrible art. Strangely, Jerome and I do not sit together, he preferring the cold metal tables, and I the inviting comfort of the oversized, worn leather chairs.
The last time I was here (yesterday, though it feels more like the day before due to my recently bizarre sleep schedule), my loose tea came loose of its cup, damaging the top right corner of the front cover of my copy of Glory. I'm disappointed that happened but relieved no further damage occurred.
I will recommence that book now, and hopefully it will weave itself into my experiences in Guatemala over the course of the next week.
Next time:
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