Saturday, January 07, 2006

A novel method for the removal of ear cerumen -- Keegan and Bannister 173 (12): 1496 -- Canadian Medical Association Journal

A novel method for the removal of ear cerumen -- Keegan and Bannister 173 (12): 1496 -- Canadian Medical Association Journal
The clinician operator of the device was impressed by the Super Soaker's ease of use for this procedure. Specifically, the ability to control a narrow, mildly pressurized jet of water was considered excellent. As well, the device only had to be refilled once or twice before the cerumen was removed from each ear. This is in contrast to his experience of requiring up to 10 or more refills of standard ear-syringing equipment. Using the Super Soaker in standard practice could then lead to decreased overall time spent on this procedure, resulting in shorter waiting times for patients through increased physician efficiency.
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Blogger gRegor said...

*goes to look up 'cerumen'*

ryc: yep, it's php, xhtml 1.1, and css. the blog is run by nucleus, an open source cms that I've been using for a while and really like.

1/08/2006 12:51:00 AM  

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