Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Time flies, and so will I

Holy crap! I can't believe I'm leaving for Guatemala in less than a week! I should maybe start thinking about packing. I should definitely start thinking about doing laundry. The funny thing is, I don't even really know what I'll be doing there. Well, I know I'm going with a group recommended by my dentist whom I respect a great deal. And I know generally that they provide medical, dental and eye care for the indigenous people there. I just don't know what my role is. But what does it matter?
We've saved some and stabilized others, we've relieved pain and anxiety and improved nutrition and vision, we've educated and been educated, we've given our services to people who could never afford them.
I'm just glad to be a part - however small - of this good work.


Blogger Rachel Kennedy said...

Haha so many blogs! Guatemala, huh? Wow, yeah, you should start packing. We should both be packing instead of spending so much time on this internet! :) Later bud!

1/18/2006 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ali - you're going to guatemala?! awesome. i was in antigua for 2 weeks and lago atitlan for 1 week. let me know if you have any questions, or if you'd like recommendations. hike vulcan pacaya, eat lots of avocadoes, meet lots of fellow travelers, and take a boat ride to the village of santa cruz on lago atitlan where there's no electricity, just candlelight gourmet meals and hammocks....

1/19/2006 09:19:00 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

Thanks for the recommendations! I hope I get to do some of that, it sounds pretty awesome. It all depends, though, since I'm probably on a schedule that the group decides, and we'll be working most of the time. They did say that the last day is for play, so I'll mention santa cruz.

1/19/2006 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a dentist with my last name (Truong) with you?

Cuz she does that, not sure if Guatamela is included, but she provides care for cleft palets for no charge with a group of dedicated dentists. And I think she's on the road now which is why i'm asking.

Else, if you're interested to go to Vietnam, i can give you her info, who i know for a fact goes there every year.

1/23/2006 10:49:00 AM  
Blogger Ali said...

No, no dentist by that name. But Vietnam sounds like it would be an amazing experience, I´ll have to try to do that. Man, I wish I had an easy way to share pictures, but there´s only dialup here and I think I´ve got over a hundred.

1/25/2006 05:28:00 PM  

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