Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Two Victories

Two victories today - one over intelligent design, and another over my pre-med curriculum. I heard about the upcoming decision this morning on my way to campus, and I almost wanted to stay in my car and listen to NPR until I heard it, but I knew a couple more hours of studying would probably serve me better. I already was anticipating the oncoming aural assault of conservative talk radio - "Razzle frazzle! Activist judges! Grizzle bizzle!" - which is why this paragraph is so sweet:
Those who disagree with our holding will likely mark it as the product of an activist judge. If so, they will have erred as this is manifestly not an activist Court. Rather, this case came to us as the result of the activism of an ill-informed faction on a school board, aided by a national public interest law firm eager to find a constitutional test case on ID, who in combination drove the Board to adopt an imprudent and ultimately unconstitutional policy. The breathtaking inanity of the Board's decision is evident when considered against the factual backdrop which has now been fully revealed through this trial. The students, parents, and teachers of the Dover Area School District deserved better than to be dragged into this legal maelstrom, with its resulting utter waste of monetary and personal resources.
Haha, awesome.


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